Privacy Policy

Last updated: December 29, 2023

This Privacy Policy governs how AniListClient handles your personal information.

We prioritize protecting your privacy and want to assure you that we do not engage in any activities involving the sale, rental, or exploitation of your data for profit. Additionally, any information collected is anonymized to improve the app's functionality.

Information Collection and Use

Most of AniListClient's app usage requires logging in to This is necessary for the app to communicate with's API and provide its functionalities. By using AniListClient, you acknowledge and agree to comply with's privacy policy and terms.

Link to privacy policy of additional third-party service providers used by the app:

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Future updates to the application may require an update to the Privacy Policy. If such an update occurs, this Privacy Policy will be revised with the latest information. The date of the update will be noted above.